
In that case your ad might read

The the dictionary definition notes this is quite different from traditional marketing. Heres a simple example to illustrate that. Lets say you run a small web design studio and you want to attract new customers. Heres how the content marketing approach would differ from the traditional approach Traditional Marketing In the traditional marketing approach youd create an advertisement and pay to place it in front of potential customers perhaps in magazines or newspapers as sponsored search results or as banner ads on websites.  something like.

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Try ABC Design Studio For a limited time only get off all design work. OK you could probably come up with better ad copy but you get the idea. Traditional Bahrain Phone Numbers List marketing is about getting in front of your potential customers and trying to convince them to choose you. Its very direct and if youre persuasive enough it can lead to immediate sales but if you dont grab peoples attention theyll just tune you out. Content Marketing The content marketing approach is very different. Its more about playing the longterm game.

Then you promote those articles to draw readers

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In this case you might start posting articles on your website or blog giving small business owners useful information on things like the elements Hong Kong mobile phone number data of good website design mistakes to avoid when setting up a website and more.  to your blog and at the end of each article you try to entice them to stay in contact perhaps. By offering more great information in exchange for their email address. Once theyve signed up you follow up with a series of emails providing more useful free information while also trying to entice them to sign up as a paying customer. Even at this stage the ratio is still something like or free information and or selfpromotion. This.

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